Fi & Trevor Tucker

Like so many us, Fi and Trevor have wrestled with hopelessness. They have weathered seasons of grief, loss and poor mental health over the years. Through every storm faced they have discovered, that in Jesus, they have this hope. It doesn’t always make the storms less brutal but it provides the strength to carry on and the assurance of good things to come.

Fi is a theology student and works in church communications and youth ministry. In her (lack of) spare time she loves to write, preach and get creative with hand lettering. Trevor is a recruitment consultant by trade, specialising in Christian charities. You’ll find him behind a drum kit most weekends or recapturing his youth on his bmx!

‘This Hope’ was born at the beginning of 2023 after Trevor was signed off work for mental health. Rather than go back to a typical 9-5 job, the pair decided to combined Fi’s creativity with Trevor’s business background and create a brand that shares this hope they have.